08 Feb

When we are tired of ourselves and our lives, we have no motivation to continue living, everything is empty and useless for us, no solution comes to our minds except getting rid of problems, the feeling of loneliness and despair pervades our whole being, When we think death is better than life, we are motivated to commit suicide.

But when we are well and have no problems, we are afraid of death and want to live forever. We humans are very strange creatures and of course very arrogant and seek immortality. We always expect a carefree life full of happiness, success and health. Unaware that such a thing is never possible for anyone. If everything was supposed to be at its best and we humans were born just to enjoy it, I think in such circumstances our creation of humans would be useless and unnecessary.

If there were no problems, pain, sorrow, disease, evil, etc., then happiness would be meaningless for us. Because unhappiness was unfamiliar to us. In such a case, enjoying life and happiness will also be useless. A life without problems just out of habit.

It may seem to you that I have not had any problems in my life and I do not know the meaning of misery. But this is not the case. In my opinion, there is no human being who has not had any problems during his life. Everyone is involved with problems in some way. Some with illness, others with poverty, family problems, child grief and thousands of other problems. Some people think that wealth is the solution to all problems, such people are completely wrong. There are many wealthy families who are drowning in money but have a problem that they would not be able to solve if the whole world belonged to them.

You may have heard that the suicide rate among the rich is higher than other people in society. Because when they have helplessness in the face of difficulties due to having a lot of wealth, they consider death as the only way to escape. Especially if they are not religiously convinced that they are at least afraid of suicide, for fear of punishment.

It seems logical that a person who is tired of living in this world and has no belief in life after death will certainly find death the best solution.

Although it can be said that the problems of the poor people of the society are more than the problems of the rich, because of the lack of money that we do not even have a place in the graveyard today, the majority of such people are believers and never feel lonely in times of problems. کردن. Because they never ignore the presence of God in their lives, and the belief that God is the solution to all problems, always keeps hope alive in their hearts.

A person who has even the slightest hope always prefers life to death. Such a person does not even think about death, let alone suicide. The only thought of such a person is the idea of getting rid of problems and happiness. So, he does not stop moving and does not stop trying to solve problems.

But it goes without saying that there are also problems that cannot be easily solved, whether one believes or not, is poor or rich, is alone or has the whole family behind him. Like disgrace

Of course, this does not mean that suicide is the only solution.

Those for whom even the word reputation is meaningless and live only for themselves and do whatever they can. But for those for whom the preservation of honor is the most important thing, if God forbid, such a problem will happen to them unintentionally, they will be in a very difficult situation. But suicide is still not the answer. It is not fair for such a person to be oppressed in this world and to ruin his destiny by committing suicide.

The people around this person should pay full attention to him so that he does not commit suicide. Because such a person is prone to suicide. Especially if a person is weak and considers himself alone in the face of such a problem.

So be careful that one problem does not lead to another. We must look for a solution. Of course, I suggest that you refrain from arbitrary actions. We may increase our motivation to commit suicide by misbehaving. For example, do not set fire to the fire by mocking him or blaming him. In my opinion, the best behavior is to give hope to such a person, even if it has become a false hope, and by comforting him, to make the problem seem small to him, and then to consult a counselor or psychologist, to ask him for the right solution.

Sometimes people, even in the face of small problems, fall short and think of suicide. Especially in young people who do not have enough ability to face any problem. These thoughts are especially common among adolescents, as their personality, identity, and life events change dramatically. If families do not pay attention, it will cause many problems.

Signs of suicidal ideation include:

- Changes in personality and behavior of the person

- Asking questions such as: 

Why was I born? Does my presence matter to you? What would you do if I were not? And questions like that.

- Severe boredomDepression and lack of motivation even for normal daily activities

- And ...

Closing remarks:
Adequate knowledge of all issues and problems for yourself and your family, especially young children, is essential. Take care of yourself and your family. Life in this world is not worth so much that we take away the chance to achieve happiness in the hereafter. Take simple to pass simple. Everything depends on our attitude.

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